Amazon Seller Account Suspension

When an Amazon seller discovers their Seller Central account has been deactivated or suspended, it often triggers their worst fears. Amazon maintains strict policies aimed at safeguarding both sellers and buyers, which can lead to these actions. But why does it happen? And is there a way to reverse it? Moreover, how long does it typically take to restore normalcy to your account?

Undoubtedly, you may have a myriad of questions swirling in your mind. In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into every aspect of Amazon account suspension to ensure you’re well-informed. From understanding the reasons behind suspension to navigating the process of reinstatement, we’ve got you covered. Let’s embark on this journey together and equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate account suspension on Amazon effectively.

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What is an Amazon Seller Account Suspension?

An Amazon seller account suspension occurs when Amazon prohibits you from selling on their platform due to a violation of their rules or failure to meet their standards. This disciplinary action can significantly impact your business and listings, resulting in lost sales, diminished rankings, and a decline in your IPI (Inventory Performance Index) score.

During suspension, your inventory may be labeled as “unfulfillable,” and you’ll continue to incur storage fees for items stored in Amazon’s warehouses. Additionally, if inventory remains unfulfillable for 60 days, Amazon reserves the right to dispose of it.

It’s crucial to distinguish between account suspension and account termination. Suspension offers a chance for reinstatement if specific steps are followed, whereas termination signifies the permanent end of a seller’s journey on Amazon.

Navigating an Amazon seller account suspension requires prompt action and adherence to Amazon’s guidelines to increase the likelihood of reinstatement and minimize the impact on your business.

What happens when you get suspended by Amazon?

Amazon Seller Account Suspension
Amazon Seller Account Suspension

ASIN Suppression

When your Amazon seller account faces interruptions, there are four distinct types to be aware of. It’s crucial to differentiate between them, as they vary in severity.

ASIN Suppression, the mildest form of interruption, involves the suppression of your ability to sell a particular ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number). Even if the product belongs to you, you won’t be able to sell it. However, you can appeal to have the ASIN reinstated.


The first step in Amazon’s response to seller misconduct is often a suspension of the account. While this may initially seem alarming, it presents an opportunity to contest the suspension. Amazon usually provides a notification outlining the reasons for suspension and a timeframe for appeal, typically seven days. Responding to Amazon’s concerns involves crafting a Plan of Action letter detailing how you’ll address their issues with your account.


Following the submission of your Plan of Action, it’s possible for it to be denied by Amazon. However, this isn’t the end of the road. You can revise and resubmit your appeal, with no set limit on the number of times you can do so. Some sellers have reported submitting multiple appeal letters until they eventually meet Amazon’s criteria.


The most severe consequence for a suspended Amazon seller is a complete ban from the platform. Once banned, Amazon ceases to engage with your communications or accept further Plans of Action. Effectively, your career as an Amazon seller comes to an end. While it may be tempting to create a new account, Amazon is adept at identifying such attempts, making a ban a formidable obstacle to overcome.

Seller Account Suspended for No Reason

Suspension without Cause

A user by the name of Seller_0NikgV5JIRXKl shared their distressing experience on, where their Amazon seller account was suspended inexplicably. Despite being a recent registrant on and not having listed any products, they were surprised to receive a suspension email.

Reasons for Suspension

The suspension email cited a failure to verify information related to the seller account or receive any new information regarding listings or selling history. Despite submitting an appeal, it was rejected by the verification team, who claimed the account had been involved in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activities.

Seeking Reinstatement

Despite the lack of sales or listed products, Seller_0NikgV5JIRXKl faced repeated rejections of their appeals for reinstatement. Confusion loomed as to what documents Amazon required to prove legitimacy and reinstate the account. They sought guidance on the necessary steps to take.

This narrative sheds light on the challenges faced by sellers when grappling with account suspension on Amazon, underscoring the need for clarity and guidance in such situations.

Recovering Your Amazon Seller Central Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Upon discovering that your Amazon seller account has been suspended, the first step is to carefully examine the suspension notice. Understanding the primary reason behind the suspension is crucial. Whether it’s a policy violation or another issue, grasping the details enables you to craft a compelling appeal.

Crafting a Plan of Action (POA)

To initiate the process of reinstatement, it’s imperative to formulate a clear and comprehensive Plan of Action (POA). This document should outline the steps you’ll take to rectify any mistakes, prevent future violations, and assure Amazon of your commitment to compliance.

Sending the Appeal

  1. Log in to Seller Central and navigate to ‘Performance notifications’ under the ‘Performance’ dropdown menu.
  2. Open the suspension notice provided by Amazon and select ‘Appeal’.
  3. Choose the appropriate option for Appeal decisions.
  4. Draft your Plan of Action, ensuring to include your contact information for further communication.
  5. Click ‘Submit’ to send your appeal to Amazon Seller Performance for review.

Exercising Patience

Following the submission of your appeal, patience becomes paramount. While awaiting a response from Amazon, it’s essential to remain patient and maintain confidence in the process. The review process can vary in duration, ranging from a few weeks to several months. Trusting that Amazon will thoroughly consider your appeal and reinstate your account is crucial during this waiting period.

Navigating the process of account reinstatement on Amazon requires diligence, clear communication, and above all, patience. By adhering to these steps and maintaining professionalism throughout, you enhance your chances of successfully recovering your Amazon Seller Central account.

How to avoid account suspension on Amazon

To prevent account deactivation or suspension on Amazon, strict adherence to all of Amazon’s policies is paramount. By staying compliant with these guidelines, you significantly reduce the risk of facing penalties.

Regular Monitoring of Notifications

Consistently monitor all notifications from Amazon to stay informed about any potential violations. Amazon typically provides a 72-hour notice prior to suspension, prompting sellers to submit a Plan of Action (POA) for continuation. Efficiently managing notifications ensures timely action to rectify any issues.

Compliance with Product Listing Rules

Ensure compliance with Amazon’s rules for product listings. Listings should accurately depict product features and conditions while being optimized effectively. Leveraging tools like SellerApp’s Listing Quality feature can aid in analyzing and enhancing listing quality for better performance.

Avoidance of Multiple Accounts

Avoid using multiple Amazon seller accounts and refrain from creating new accounts until the old one is reinstated. Operating multiple accounts can violate Amazon’s policies and increase the likelihood of suspension.

Focus on Customer Experience

Prioritize improving customer experience by incorporating feedback and enhancing product quality accordingly. Maintaining high ratings demonstrates commitment to customer satisfaction and reinforces your reputation as a top-quality seller in Amazon’s eyes.

Suspension Appeal: How Long is Too Long?

A user under the name Seller_lV7LFr7HHajU9 expressed their frustration regarding the duration of their suspension appeal process. While their initial appeal for an ODR (Order Defect Rate) issue garnered a response within 12 hours, their second appeal has remained unanswered for 11 days, prompting concerns about the delay.


Armed with knowledge about Amazon Seller account suspension, it’s essential to approach any challenges with professionalism and clarity. When formulating appeals, maintain a professional demeanor and avoid being accusatory. Continuously monitor account health, analyze business reports, and conduct audits to ensure continued success as an Amazon seller. By adopting these proactive measures, you can safeguard your account and thrive in the competitive Amazon marketplace.


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