Amazon Australia Online Shopping

If you want to take your shopping online, Amazon Australia online shopping may be your best option. It is a trusted platform that also has thousands of products from different sellers ready to be purchased.

It is true that being such a large company and having so many products available, can be intimidating at first. That is why we bring you a guide so that you can navigate the website without problems, and become an online shopping expert.

How to efficiently use Amazon Australia’s online shopping features

If you already know what product you want to buy, this will be super simple. Go to the website and go to the magnifying glass, type in the product you want and it will appear in a matter of seconds. In the search engine, you can put as many keywords related to the product as you want, so if you want something very precise you can be exact there. Amazon will show you the same product in different offers (in case it is offered by more than one seller) and you can choose the one you prefer.

To choose which company to buy from, you can base yourself on the trust you have in the seller if you already know them or if they are established in the market. You can also choose to filter by price or proximity since the latter can lower shipping costs.

Price filters, or the option to sort by value (from most expensive to cheapest or vice versa) are also fantastic for when you don’t know what you want to buy. If you have to give a gift and you know that the person likes, for example, books, beauty products, or electronics, you can go to those categories and filter the products according to your budget.

Amazon shipping to Australia: options and costs

Amazon shipping to Australia is no longer so expensive for one reason: you can now buy products offered by sellers from the country itself. Before Amazon landed here you only had the option of buying from Amazon Global or Amazon USA, which involved high shipping costs, as well as other additional fees.

If you enter Amazon Australia then you will be buying from Australian sellers, which puts the cost of shipping in another range of values. For simple short-distance shipments, the value goes from $4.99 to $15.99. This is recommended for products that are not fragile and for times when you do not need the products to arrive super fast (the waiting time will be estimated by the seller).

There is a series of Amazon shipping in Australia that is premium, and its value goes from $15.99 and can reach $30.00 depending on the distance and weight of the product, as well as other characteristics. This is usually required when products need to be transported over long distances, or when they are expensive or fragile products. In addition, here you also find the option of fast shipping or special packaging.

The cost of Amazon shipping to Australia from other parts of the world usually ranges from $10.00 and can reach $50.00 if the product is in an Amazon warehouse in a peripheral country or one that has many regulations. You can see all this information before making the purchase, so you can analyze whether it is justified to buy the product through Amazon or if another means is more convenient.

In case you plan to make regular use of Amazon Australia online shopping, we recommend that you opt for a premium membership to save on shipping costs. The cost of Amazon Prime in Australia starts at $9.99. In addition to that, some purchases that exceed $25 may include free shipping, but this will depend on each seller.

Best practices for finding deals on Amazon Shopping Australia

Who doesn’t like to buy what they want for a cheaper price? Amazon shopping australia gives you the opportunity to hunt for the best discounts and deals. There are some easier ways to find them and others that require more attention, here we will show you how to be an expert in both.

The most important thing is to familiarize yourself with Amazon Australia’s online shopping. As soon as you enter the website, go to the categories section and select “Today’s deals”. There you will find the best deals, although they are limited and only available during that same day. If you had a specific product in mind you may not find it here (or maybe you will, depending on how lucky you are), but it is useful to see the cheapest products in all categories.

Besides that category, you can go back to the main page of Amazon Australia online shopping and scroll down. There you will see different emoticons, starting with “today’s deals” followed by “outlet” and “coupons”. By clicking on the one you prefer you will be able to see the products that are cheaper for different reasons.

These may be because they are out of season, because they have some defect, or because the seller needs to free up storage. In all cases, if the product is from another season or has some defect, this information will be present in the product listing.

How to manage returns and customer support for Amazon Australia’s online shopping

Something that stops people from getting into Amazon Australia online shopping is the fear of having a problem with their purchase. Keep in mind that Amazon is a company with a very big reputation that they don’t want to tarnish, so they will always try to give the customer the reason (even if this may take a while).

If you had a problem with the purchase of a product, whether it was broken during shipping, it has a defect or it wasn’t what you thought, Amazon has a help center available 24 hours a day. Here you will first be assisted by a bot, and if it can’t help you, you can be helped by a person who works in customer service at the company.

In this help center for customers, they can also help you if you notice something suspicious on the part of a seller. Beyond the help center, Amazon Australia online shopping also makes available a contact email after you make the purchase, which is super useful especially if you have to make a return (you won’t be charged for the shipping twice nor have to pay extra fees).

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